Restoration Magazine

The Restoration of Native Sovereignty and Safety for Native Women magazine is dedicated to informing tribal leaders, advocates and communities of emerging issues impacting the safety of American Indian and Alaska Native women. The name of the magazine, Restoration of Native Sovereignty and Safety for Native Women, reflects the grassroots strategy that by strengthening the sovereignty of Indian nations to hold perpetrators accountable, the safety of Native women will be restored. 

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Relevant Articles:Editor's Note | Vol. 21 | Issue 2COLT and NIWRC Support Federal Law Enforcement Accountability in Indian Country. Does Attorney General Garland?NIWRC Indigenous Community-Based Research PrioritiesJoint NIWRC and NCAI ReceptionPride for Two-Spirit and LGBTQ+ CommunityRemembering Unci (Grandmother) and Ina (Mother) Tillie Black BearJoint Statement Honoring Nex Benedict and Demanding the Upholding of Dignity for Non-Binary and 2SLGBTQAI+ Children and YouthAhéhee’ and No$úun Lóoviq (Thank You) to Founding NIWRC Board Member Wendy Schlater for Serving NIWRC Supreme Court Update, June 2024 by STTARS118TH CONGRESS Legislative UPDATENCAI Civic Engagement Building Native Political Power: Organizing, Strategizing, and Mobilizing our Native ElectorateHealth Justice: An Introduction and Series OverviewHonoring Native Advocacy Programs and Women’s Shelters in the United StatesHonoring the Emmonak Women’s ShelterHonoring the White Buffalo Calf Women’s SocietyOrganizing and Decolonizing Our Work to End Sexual Violence: National Tribal Sexual Assault Resource Center Convenes a Listening Session for and by AdvocatesWhat We’re Seeing: MMIW State LegislationThe Future of Advertising for AdvocacyNational Week of Action: Digital Honor CardsNohona HawaiʻiOur Journey to Educate & Inform Alaska Policy Makers on MMIP, Public Safety, and Tribal JusticeThe Red Dress GalaAcquired Brain Injury: Are We Doing Enough?The Alaska Native Women’s Resource Center’s 2024 Annual Unity MeetingInternational Advocacy Update, June 2024VAWA Sovereignty Initiative Update June 2024