
Four Years Later: Kaysera’s Family Continues to Fight for Justice



Join the National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC) on September 1st at 1 p.m. (MDT) for a webinar highlighting the fight for #JusticeForKaysera. Kaysera Stops Pretty Places was murdered on or near the Crow Reservation in Big Horn County on August 24, 2019, and four years later, her murder remains unresolved. This webinar will feature Dr. Grace Bulltail (Kaysera’s auntie), Yolanda Fraser (Kaysera’s grandmother), and Mary Kathryn Nagle (attorney to the family) as they discuss their work to fight for justice for Kaysera, as well as their collaborations with other Murdered and Missing and Indigenous Women and Girls’ families as they fight for justice for their loved ones.
